```{title} User Profile ``` # User Profile ```{figure} /images/profile_settings.png :align: center :width: 60% ``` Your user profile provides you access to view and edit information related to your account. * Edit billing information * Change your subscription tier * Download billing statements * Change your password * View session history * Change Settings To access your profile, click the round icon in the top right corner of the dashboard, then click Edit Profile. ## Settings ### Default Workspace Image The default Workspace image is used in two scenarios. * If you have the `Auto Launch Session` enabled in the settings, this default image will be used to auto launch a session on login. * If you have the NetworkChuck Browser Extension installed on your local browser, you can right click on a link and select `Open in Cloud Browser`, the default Workspace image will be used to open the link. [Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/networkchuck-cloud-browse/biedjndngchodkcemghdooopmdmpjbdc?hl=en-US) [Firefox Extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/networkchuck-cloud-browser/)