
Cloud Browser

The term Cloud Browser, with capital letters, refers to the NetworkChuck branded Cloud Browser platform or product. The term cloud browser with lowercase letters refers to an instance of a containerized browser and environment running in the cloud.


The term platform or the platform refers to the NetworkChuck Cloud Browser Software as a Service system as a whole.

Cloud Service Provider

Cloud Service Provider (CSP) refers to cloud providers such as GCP, AWS, Azure, and OCI. The Platform uses a combination of CSPs to operate and which CSPs are used are subject to change.

Platform Operators

Platform operators refers to the third party or parties that are responsible for the monitoring, security, and operations of the platform and information systems that support the platform.

Changes to the Browser

Will changes I make be saved between sessions?

No, making changes to the cloud browser, such as saving a favorite or installing an extension, will not persist between sessions. All data collected or changes made within a sessions are permanently lost when the session is deleted.


What data does Cloud Browser Collect?

When interacting with the cloud browser, local logs may be generated by the browser. Any such application logs inside of your remote environment are not saved or transmitted off the system your container is running on. When your session is deleted, any ancillary logs created by the browser running inside your environment are deleted along with your session and all data generated.

Traffic generated by the remote browser are not proxied and there is no logging of user generated traffic from inside of a Cloud Browser session.

All billing information and any logs created by processing of billing are performed by a third-party, Stripe. Stripe is one of the largest online credit card transaction companies and specializes in securely facilitating billing. The Cloud Browser platform does not store credit card information or billing information related to the credit card used.

The platform operator(s) does retain create, collect, and centrally store logs generated by users when they are interacting with our website and the NetworkChuck Cloud Browser dashboard. This DOES NOT include interaction with a remote browser session.

Major events that get logged include the following:

  • Creating a session

  • Resuming a session

  • Deleting a session

  • Updating your profile

  • Viewing the user dashboard

  • Session keep-alive messages

  • Viewing or updating your profile

  • Authentication attempts

  • Logging out

See the privacy policy and SaaS Terms and Conditions for more details.

Will NetworkChuck provide logs to law enforcement

The NetworkChuck Cloud Browser platform is intended to provide ultimate privacy and security, within the confines of legal activity. NetworkChuck and third party partners such as CSPs, Stripe, and platform operator(s), will cooperate with law enforcement as required by the laws of the United States of America and applicable state laws.